Use TeamScribe in Slack

While the TeamScribe Slack app is optional, it simplifies integrating TeamScribe with your Slack workflows. Install the TeamScribe app in your Slack workspace, connect specific channels to TeamScribe teams, and enable periodic feedback reminders for channel members. As an admin, you'll also access your organization's TeamScribe stats directly in Slack.

Note: The TeamScribe Slack app operates independently from the web app. Activity in the TeamScribe web app does not trigger events or messages in Slack. Use slash commands in Slack to interact with TeamScribe: obtain a sharing URL, connect/disconnect channels, and view current stats.

Installing TeamScribe Slack App

  1. Click this link to install TeamScribe in your Slack workspace. Ensure you have the necessary permissions to install apps in Slack.
  2. After installation, TeamScribe will appear in the Apps section of Slack.

Connecting Slack Workspace to TeamScribe

  1. Ensure your organization is registered in TeamScribe and you have an admin or owner account.
  2. In Slack, select TeamScribe from the list of installed apps.
  3. Go to the Home tab and click “Sign In.”
  4. Check the “Messages” tab for a sign-in link. Click it and follow the instructions to sign in automatically.
  5. Alternatively, use the slash command /teamscribe connect in any channel to receive a sign-in link.

Using TeamScribe Slack App

Use slash commands in Slack to interact with TeamScribe. Some commands are available to all members, while others require a TeamScribe account and organization membership.

Commands available to all workspace members:
  • /teamscribe url – Get the feedback URL for the team connected to the current channel.
  • /teamscribe help – Display a list of available commands.
Commands available only to channel members registered in TeamScribe:
  • /teamscribe connect – Connect your TeamScribe account to Slack.
  • /teamscribe disconnect – Disconnect your TeamScribe account from Slack. You can sign in again using /teamscribe connect.
  • /teamscribe add – Link the current channel to a team on TeamScribe.
  • /teamscribe remove – Unlink the current channel from a team on TeamScribe.
  • /teamscribe stats – View stats for a team connected to the channel.
  • /teamscribe prompt – Configure reminder frequency and text for a channel.

Deleting TeamScribe Slack App

To uninstall TeamScribe from Slack, remove it like any other app. This will sign out all users and disconnect all channels from TeamScribe teams. Your feedback data will remain on TeamScribe.

Note: Deleting your TeamScribe organization via the web app will also remove TeamScribe from your Slack workspace.