Collect direct, anonymous feedback to uncover problems, reduce turnover, and boost morale across your organization.
90% of employees are more likely to express honest opinions about the work when feedback is anonymous.
Harvard Business Review33% of software developers are not happy at work.
Stack Overflow Developer Survey, 202437% of employees avoid giving feedback to their managers due to fear of retaliation.
SHRM report, 2019Encourage your teammates to speak up and rock the boat when an issue needs addressing.
Have people share confidentially like they never would in front of their peers.
Monitor morale and take timely actions to improve it to increase team productivity.
Share unique team URLs through Slack, Twist, email, or any other communication tool you use.
What's actually going on in your team? Are there any issues? How do members feel about them?
Address problems before they escalate by utilizing these insights in your next Retro or 1-on-1.
Your writing style can give away your identity to those who know you well, even in anonymous messages. Not with TeamScribe! Its new AI feature anonymizes your style, keeping the content intact while making it neutral and unrecognizable.
Interact with TeamScribe from your Slack workspace
Gain an overview of morale across your organization.
Take measures before things go awry.
Get insights from your team members about what needs discussion.
To boost job satisfaction and productivity while reducing turnover.
Only the account owner and designated team admins can access it.
Share your thoughts without revealing your identity, unless you choose to do so.
Feedback is transmitted and stored securely, utilizing advanced encryption and SSL protocols.